A Homestead Exemption Will Help You Lower Your Tax Bill on Your Primary Residence
What Is a Homestead Exemption?
A homestead exemption helps you save money on your primary residence property tax. An exemption removes part of the value of your property from taxation and lowers your taxes. For example, if your home is valued at $250,000 and you qualify for a $50,000 exemption, you pay taxes on your home as if it was worth only $200,000.
What Are the Requirements to Apply for a Homestead Exemption?
You must first qualify as a residence homestead on January 1st of the year in which you are applying, meaning you have to occupy or purchase the home the previous years. Example: to qualify for 2021 Homestead you would have had to purchase your home in 2020 or before.
Deadline: January 1st – April 30th
What Type of Homestead Exemptions Are Available
- General Residence Homestead Exemption
- Person Age 65 or Older (or Surviving Spouse) Exemption
- Disabled Person (or Surviving Spouse) Exemption
- 100 Percent Disabled Veteran (or Surviving Spouse) Exemption
- Disabled Veteran or Survivor Exemption
- Donated Residence of Partially Disabled Veteran (or Surviving Spouse) Exemption
- Surviving Spouse of an Armed Services Member Killed in Action Exemption
- Surviving Spouse of a First Responder Killed in the Line of Duty Exemption
What Do I Need to Apply?
To apply, you must complete your county’s application for homestead exemption, as well as provide a copy of your driver’s license or state-issued personal identification certificate. Below are resources about how to apply for your homestead exemption for each county in the Greater Houston Area.